You are our valued guest. Please sit back, relax and enjoy your time with us. During the service, we would like to give you a gift if it is your first time (namely chocolate and a drink voucher!). New people will be asked to raise their hands to be given this gift. Of course, if you would prefer not to raise your hand, that’s fine, you are able to collect your gift from one of our team after the service or at the Information Booth.

Each service we endeavour to provide the opportunity for people to become Christians.  A Christian is simply a follower of Christ.  At the end of most services, we will invite anyone that would like to make this commitment to do so.  During this time, if you would like to make that commitment, we will ask that you briefly raise your hand as an acknowledgement of your commitment.  As a matter of courtesy and privacy, we ask that no one looks around or talks during this time – it is a matter between you and God.  If you do make this decision and raise your hand, the minister will pray a prayer which many others will pray also and we encourage you to join in.  If you have made that commitment for the first time, we would love to meet with you at the end of the service and answer any questions you may have. If you do not feel ready to make that commitment, that is fine, please enjoy yourself.