What is tithing?
“Tithe” means 10% or “a tenth part”. God’s Word tells us that everything we have is from God and the first 10% of everything we earn or receive belongs to Him. God says in the book of Malachi that we are to bring our tithe into the storehouse, the local Church, wherever you meet to worship God. In doing so we walk faithfully before God and are showing our trust in Him to provide all we need.
What’s the difference between the “Tithe” and “Offerings”?
The tithe is to be the first 10% of everything you receive financially. Tithing is simply an act of obedience, An offering is any amount you would give above the tithe.
Why Should We Tithe?
Since God owns everything — “the cattle on a thousand hills” and all there is — it might seem that He doesn’t really need our tithes and offerings. He doesn’t need them, true, but we need to give them. Why? The Bible tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart is also. Money is something we all trade with, it is often our focus and gets much of our attention. When the first of our income is dedicated to God, it shows God our hearts are invested in Him.
What Should I Do Now?
We operate a confidential numbered system for tithing (each member has a tithe number). This system is used to issue end-of-year Charitable Tax Receipts of your annual giving here at Tauranga Elim Church, enabling the recipient to claim a Tax Credit with the IRD — 33.3% can be claimed back, dependent on your annual income. For full information on Tax Credits, please go to: https://www.ird.govt.nz/topics/income-tax/tax-credits/tax-credits-for-donations.
We have several ways to give:
- On a Sunday through the DropBox at the Information desk;
- On a Sunday through Eftpos at the Information desk;
- On-line Banking through Automatic Payments — Tauranga Elim Church BNZ 02 0466 0266396 000 (please use your surname and tithe number as a reference)
- Using the church App on your phone or online link here
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office on 578 8903 or use the form on the Contact us page, and one of our team would be happy to chat with you.