We are a family church who love God, love each other and have a heart to impact people with the love and power of Jesus Christ. Our Sunday morning service is focused on worshiping God and spending time in His presence. Each week a practical, life giving message is shared to encourage victorious living. We love to support each other, pray for one another and do life together.
Sunday evening “The Overflow” service invites you to pause and take time to encounter God through intimate worship times. With a focus on personal and corporate growth we have a variety of people leading in worship, conversations, teaching and hosting. All are welcome, come just as you are.
Family is important so we take time in our morning service to celebrate Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries. Come as you are, we want to welcome you as part of the family. We serve tea/coffee after the service so we invite you to stay and get to know some new people.

The whole family is important to us, therefore on Sunday morning you will find an age appropriate programme suitable for all children. Our teams will ensure your children are well looked after and engaged in a fun learning experience that puts God at the centre. Bring the whole family and be part of a great family service.
Our Nursery (o-1 year olds) provides a comfortable and private place to nurse baby while watching the service via live streamed coverage on a big screen TV.
PowerTots – 1 to 2 year olds
PowerSparks – 3 to 5 year olds
PowerZone – School Years 1 to 6
Voltage – School Years 7 to 9
Click on the logos below to find out more about each programme.