Common FAQs2018-05-22T15:44:40+12:00

10 questions commonly asked about our Church services.

1. Where and when do you meet? 2018-05-04T16:45:32+12:00

We meet every Sunday 10am for a Family Service (Full Children’s programmes) and fortnightly at 6.30pm for our Youth/Young Adult service. In addition, we have mid-week Connect Groups that meet across Tauranga to cater to all ages and interests.

2. When are your office hours?2018-05-04T16:45:55+12:00

Monday-Thursday 9am to 12pm. Due to the nature of being a pastor, sometimes we can be out and about, however we would love to see you! If you want to know more or come in for a catch up, please feel free to make an appointment. Click here for details.

3. What should I wear?2018-05-04T16:46:48+12:00

We are a church who loves God and people and dress in an informal manner. Our pastor will not be in robes. We are more concerned about you being comfortable and relaxed than the clothes you wear, so come as you are!

4. What do you do?2018-05-04T16:48:07+12:00

We believe your relationship with God is important. While “religion” often carries a connotation of robes, holy water and a pipe organ, you will not find those at Elim.  We endeavour to present our services in a creative and relevant way that encourages you on your journey to know God.  Our services have contemporary music with a live band and relevant teaching. We want to equip you with truth from the Bible that you can use in your Business, School, Sports team or home during the week. If you have children, they will be looked after and have fun (see question 8 below).

Once a month or so we celebrate communion. This is simply a time to remember the sacrifice of Christ. You are welcome to participate or not.  Our services also include an opportunity to give financially, which we call tithes and offerings. (Make sure you read the next question…)

We also include an opportunity for anyone who would like to commit to being a Christian to do so. A Christian is simply a follower of Christ.  Please read question 7 for more in this regard. We are also privileged to have leaders in many fields from across our nation speak from time to time.

5. Do I have to give money?2018-05-04T16:50:36+12:00

Giving tithes and offerings is for those who are part of the Elim community. You are our guest. We want you to sit back and receive, not feel compelled to give. When the time to give in the service approaches, feel free to pass the offering bag on. However if on the other hand you want to give, great, it’s up to you.

6. What is the music like?2018-05-04T16:51:36+12:00

Elim is a vibrant church that loves to praise and worship God. We use both modern and older songs that enable us to worship with our whole heart. You will enjoy this time in the service!

During the music time, many people will stand and sing. This is a way that some people like to express themselves. If you feel comfortable, feel free to join in or simply stay seated and just enjoy the music.

7. Do I have to do anything?2018-05-04T16:52:43+12:00

You are our valued guest. Please sit back, relax and enjoy your time with us. During the service, we would like to give you a gift if it is your first time (namely chocolate and a drink voucher!). New people will be asked to raise their hands to be given this gift. Of course, if you would prefer not to raise your hand, that’s fine, you are able to collect your gift from one of our team after the service or at the Information Booth.

Each service we endeavour to provide the opportunity for people to become Christians.  A Christian is simply a follower of Christ.  At the end of most services, we will invite anyone that would like to make this commitment to do so.  During this time, if you would like to make that commitment, we will ask that you briefly raise your hand as an acknowledgement of your commitment.  As a matter of courtesy and privacy, we ask that no one looks around or talks during this time – it is a matter between you and God.  If you do make this decision and raise your hand, the minister will pray a prayer which many others will pray also and we encourage you to join in.  If you have made that commitment for the first time, we would love to meet with you at the end of the service and answer any questions you may have. If you do not feel ready to make that commitment, that is fine, please enjoy yourself.

8. What about my children?2018-05-04T16:55:08+12:00

If you have children, we run a variety of programmes for them on a Sunday morning.  Family is important to us so we have all the children in for the first 15 minutes of our service.  In this time we sing a couple of songs and celebrate Birthdays, Anniversaries and other special events by giving away chocolate.
Following that time we release our children to their programmes.

PowerZone is our Primary aged programme which includes music, games, quizzes, crafts, prizes and a relevant Biblical message.

PowerPack is similar and caters for 3-5 year olds.

Praise Bees is for our 0-2 years and walking kids.  This room is filled with toys and play equipment and age appropriate crafts.

We also have a feeding room for Mums with a live video and audio link into the service in the auditorium.

You are welcome to sit in on any of these programmes until your child settles.  If there are any concerns during a programme, our leaders will come and find you in the service.  All of our leaders and helpers are Police checked and many have an education in teaching or childcare. If you have any questions, or would like to see the children’s area before a service, please ask at the information booth and we will be glad to help.

9. How long does the service go for?2018-05-04T16:57:02+12:00

We appreciate that Sundays are a valuable day in your week. Our services are normally 90 minutes or less. After the service we have tea and coffee in the cafe area and would love the opportunity to meet you in person. In your welcome pack (see question 7) there is a voucher for a free Cafe Coffee.  If you are able to fill in your details on the card we would love to send you something to thank you for your visit and also have the opportunity to connect with you further if you would like.  If you are pressed for time, just let us know your details and we will be happy to catch up with you at a time that suits you better. In the unusual event we are required to go later than expected, please feel free to quietly leave the auditorium – we will not be offended.

10. Do I need a Bible or anything?2018-05-04T16:58:09+12:00

All you need is you! We believe in the Bible and our pastors every week preach from it. If you have a Bible and would like to bring it, please feel free, but it is certainly not mandatory. Smart Phones and Tablets are perfectly acceptable as well.  In saying that, if you do not have a Bible and would like one, please ask at the information booth and they will give you a Bible at no cost as a memento of your visit with Elim which we encourage you to read.  (Sorry, our budget doesn’t extend to free iPads quite yet.)

We also give a newsletter with a message outline that you can take notes on if you wish.

It is our hope that your online experience will give you a taste of who we are and why we love Elim and our community here. If you have any other questions, please let us know by email through the contact section of this site. See you at church!

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